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Jagrivan Sah Samindhate” : A Working Paper

👇खबर सुनने के लिए प्ले बटन दबाएं

“Jagrivan Sah Samindhate”


A Working Paper

Prof. Shivani Sharma

Dpt of Philosophy

Panjab University, Chandigarh

The vedic verse from Vishnu Sukta Mandal-1.Sukta 23. Mantra 21 forms the basis of the deliberation. It attempts to explain the latent spirit of the Mantra by elaborating on the very concept of Samindhan and by addressing the question as to whom we can consider to be awake. What are the features and characteristics of an individual who is awake? The presentation was focused on the elaboration of the following points:-


1. The history of Ideas display the above mentioned phrase in the context of Bhakti of Lord Vishnu but how one as a student of philosophy can draw the significant and critical content out of the entire Mantra amounting to suggest an individual of knowledge carries fire, Agni. Agni is not to be understood in Abhidhatmak aspect but from a symbolic standpoint. Fire represents not merely Havi in the Yajna but it also entails leadership qualities and Knowledge.


2. The presentation also dwelled on the particular exploration of Agni and Samindhana in its twofold dimension- Prakash and Tapa. The Kashmir Saiva parampara too mentions two aspects of Reality- Prakash and Vimarsha. The Praksha element is also held as Siva and Vimarsa as Sakti. The Taap aspect of Agni represents Vimarsa and multiplicity, division whereas Prakasha aspect of Light is Jnana-knowledge.


3. The presentation has also deal with the symbolism latent in the concept of Yajna and try to link it with Karmathata and Karmasheelta or Karmamaya jivan. It will also be attempted to explain the difference between Atma-yaji and Deva-yaji and how often we as humans fall for the later due to our lack of competencies and limitations. It is often seen that when it comes to Yajna and Purva Mimamsa Universities avoid discussing concepts of Svarga and Yajna, the intention shall be to explain in detail about the symbolic meaning of Svarga in relation to the mental and psychological states


4. Tapa is an essential component of Agni and thereby of Samindhan or the internal evolution of an individual that is represented by the training of body and mind. It may have humble beginnings but the end results of such training are highly effective, evolving and enlightening. The presentation has also deal in explaining the significance of Diksha as training, as a component of Tapa and Tapashacarya.


5. The presentation has also highlighted the Prakasha aspect of Agni in its rightful place in the context of significance of knowledge that is duly highlighted in the Upanishad by narrating some of the stories from Katha and Ken Upanishad


6. The presentation has also focused on the concept of Rashtra that also has its derivation from Prakasha. Sri Aurobindo, KM Munshi, Jyotirindranath Thakur and Bankimchandra when it comes to the understanding of Rashtra as a Motherland and not as Father Land. The Indian Culture is fundamentally rooted in Tapas, Dama and Karma and hence essentially a knowledge driven society. It does not foster the ideas of fear and hunger or survival of the fittest.

7.The Epistemic violence though has harmed the very fabric of the nation yet, hope and efforts at individual and social levels would make it significant attempt to bring the ancient wisdom back to its rightful and dignified acceptance by the current education sysytem.

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मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद युवा संसद से संबंधित विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और प्रो. कैलाश प्रसाद यादव, प्रधानाचार्य, ठाकुर प्रसाद महाविद्यालय, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।

मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। कीर्ति कुम्भ (स्मरण एवं संवाद) कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। उद्घाटनकर्ता सह मुख्य अतिथि प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और मुख्य वक्ता प्रो. विनय कुमार चौधरी, पूर्व अध्यक्ष, मानविकी संकाय, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।