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A mega campaign to make Ayushman card has been implemented from 18.07.2024 .

👇खबर सुनने के लिए प्ले बटन दबाएं

Today, District Officer, Madhepura Shri Vijay Prakash Meena under the beneficiaries of National Food Security Act (NFSA) under the health department, Bihar Government’s resolution 519 (7) in the light of Sankalp 519 (7) of Madhepura Shri Vijay Prakash Meena, addition to all the beneficiaries covered under Ayushman Bharat Prime Minister Jan Health Scheme And the campaign going on in Madhepura district under Chief Minister Jan Health Scheme was reviewed through virtual meeting. *
Total- 18,26,680 beneficiaries under Madhepura district qualify under these two schemes, which has been carded of 7,19,922 beneficiaries so far for all beneficiaries *C at all public distribution system centers in Madhepura district. S. With the cooperation of Co-perators, a mega campaign to make Ayushman card has been implemented from 18.07.2024 .
For the said campaign, District Manager, Common Service Center Madhepura has been instructed to ensure the availability of V0LE0 from 18.07.2024 till 100 percent card is made at all public distribution system centers under the district.

It was instructed that the Intense Supply Officer will ensure that all public distribution systems under Madhepura district operate until the percentage of Ayushman card is constructed, which will be done by the District Supply Officer, Madhepura.
Along with this attempt to make this campaign successful by bringing public awareness through *all livelihoods, Anganwadi central workers/assistants, Vikas friends, Asha etc. *

The extremely level officers of the concerned departments will ensure to follow the regional personnel.
Deputy Development Commissioner at the district level, Madhepura, sub-development office bearer at the sub-divisional level and sub-divisional development officer at the district level of the said program has been named Nodal Officer. Along with this, control room has been established at the block and district level, through which this campaign is being followed. *Total 18620 Ayushman cards have been created so far under this campaign which started from July 18, 2024 This mega campaign will continue till 31 July 2024.
Eligible beneficiaries under Ayushman Bharat Prime Minister Jan Health Scheme can be treated free of cost up to Rs. 5 lakh per family in any government hospital or private hospitals listed under the plan.
Information & Public Relations Department, Government of Bihar


मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद युवा संसद से संबंधित विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और प्रो. कैलाश प्रसाद यादव, प्रधानाचार्य, ठाकुर प्रसाद महाविद्यालय, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।

मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। कीर्ति कुम्भ (स्मरण एवं संवाद) कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। उद्घाटनकर्ता सह मुख्य अतिथि प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और मुख्य वक्ता प्रो. विनय कुमार चौधरी, पूर्व अध्यक्ष, मानविकी संकाय, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।

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मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद युवा संसद से संबंधित विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और प्रो. कैलाश प्रसाद यादव, प्रधानाचार्य, ठाकुर प्रसाद महाविद्यालय, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।

मीडिया के सभी साथियों को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। कीर्ति कुम्भ (स्मरण एवं संवाद) कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्ट प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित। उद्घाटनकर्ता सह मुख्य अतिथि प्रो. बी. एस. झा, माननीय कुलपति, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा और मुख्य वक्ता प्रो. विनय कुमार चौधरी, पूर्व अध्यक्ष, मानविकी संकाय, बीएनएमयू, मधेपुरा के प्रति बहुत-बहुत आभार।