आगामी लोक सभा निर्वाचन 2024 के अन्तर्गत (SVEEP कार्यक्रम) मतदाता जागरूकता अभियान के अन्तर्गत जिले में मतदान प्रतिशत बढ़ाने हेतु रजिस्टार, बी०एन० मंडल विश्वविद्यालय, मधेपुरा के पत्रांक 462/24 दिनांक 14.03.2024 एवं जिला निर्वाचन पदाधिकारी -सह- जिलाधिकारी, मधेपुरा के पत्रांक 13 दिनांक 12.03.2024 में निहित निदेश, जो निम्न प्रकार है :- 1. Establish an Electioral Literacy Club. 2. Appoint Campus Ambassadors to promote voter awareness. 3. Implement SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education And Electoral Participation) activities within the College Campus. 4. Install a designated “Selfie Point” to encourage voter engagement. 5. Organize a Logo Competition among students to foster creativity and engagement.6. Issue congratulatory messages to students who actively participate in voter awareness initiatives. 7. Encourage any other innovative activities that support and enhance voter awareness. 8. Parliamentary Campaign, Interactive Workshop and Seminars, Special Screening of AV Content, Voter’s Pledge Administration, Selfie Point, Sharing of Information Material, Download Voter.